Phone-photo show in SD, CA opens Monday. Some excellent shooters and a good cause. CN150111

Rob Palmer’s video ad for Deluxe BMX is a very nice little film. CN140111

Video DSLR viewfinders: Zacuto and Letus offerings compared. CN140111

All you’ll need is tiny slipmats for your fingertips. CN171110

If cruise ship captaining was an action sport. CN041010

If Top of the Pops had been aired after the watershed. CN041010 [1]

“Motion Sickness”: that’s what a Level article about this would be called. Wild. CN220910

With all the DSLR-slash-1080p hubbub, why did this take so long? CN130910

Shinya Kimura: not appearing on American Chopper any time soon. Wondrous stuff. CN100910 [2]

Another lesson in big-budget skate brand creativity from the masters at Lakai. CN300810

The best bike song since Queen’s. CN270810

At last, Canon brings out a fisheye for APS-C-rockers, with added appeal for 35ers. CN260810

I could write ‘pussy’ and get extra hits via Google. But I won’t. CN190810 [3]

Artist (and writer) Don Pendleton interviewed by Chrome Ball Incident. No plug? CN130810

Photographer Scott Toepfer (see Goodstuff 021) exhibits his latest project in LA on August 20th. CN110810

The Skateboard Mag’s latest issue is partly 3D and all killer. CN050810

For those of you who live in Arizona, but yearn for the coastal life. Tarpsurfing is now. HH040810 [4]

Levelogger Don Pendleton (and P-Rod) done did the Dew. CN260710

What do you call a smart car with a 1000cc superbike engine? Insane. And available. CN200710

Niels “Shoe” Meulman grafs seriously old-school. CN160710

Maybe adidas should have recut the whole thing instead of Lucas. Nicely done. CN050610

A printer, made from Lego! And felt tips! MN020610

When TV was for kids and not merchandising. CN260510 [5]

Stories from the merch table. MN190510

Some cool work. He’s got a show coming up in SF at Gallery Heist. OA040510

Sometimes it felt like we put together a magazine this quickly. But not quite. CN270410 [6]

Hoffman and his film’s filmmakers interviewed by the NY Times. CN270410

Mat Hoffman was born for it. Ballistic. Watch it on demand in the US. CN270410

Omar Almufti caught up with Jahdan Blakkamoore in SF recently: video proof, right here. CN260410

Outlier make a bike-specific pivot sleeve dress shirt. LB200410

There’s a 55-minute film on the making of that bike-specific shirt. LB200410

Spike Jonze gets tricky for Lakai. Twizzle it. CN200410 [7]

Don Pendleton talks to Steven Vogel, right here. Read this. CN190410

Has skills, will travel. Roving designer seeks temporary stints around Europe. Got a floor? CN150410

Why is skate photography no longer this interesting? Flickr skate set. CN150410 [8]

A place for lovers of print. CN150410

The Quiet Life tees—Andy Mueller’s nightshift—gone dirt cheap. Ish. CN150410

Yes. CN080410

Oh, good god no. Or yes? No. Definitely no. Yes? CN070410

It turns out you did understand Bergman’s The Seventh Seal after all. HH020410